Celestin Apprentice 5
Source Code
PICSee Dust 1.01
Quaternary Source
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Text File
362 lines
Version 2.0
(c)1993, 1994, 1995 by Hiep Dam. All Rights Reserved.
From The Witches' Brew
Usage: Public domain. Feel free to exploit it to your own needs; it would
be nice of you, however, to give me some tiny credits if you decide
to use this in your application or if the code helps you...
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "Class_DynamoArray.h"
const short STD_DYNAMO_LEN = 10; // The standard chunk length the array grows by
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark === CTORs/DTORs ===
template <class DynamoArrayType>
DynamoArray<DynamoArrayType>::DynamoArray() {
// Default constructor; no arguments.
// This constructor just creates an array with the default size
// of STD_DYNAMO_LEN (i.e. 10). You can change the standard
// default size by changing STD_DYNAMO_LEN, if you wish.
fCurSize = 0;
fArray = new DynamoArrayType[fMaxSize];
} // END constructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <class DynamoArrayType>
DynamoArray<DynamoArrayType>::DynamoArray(short size) {
if (size < 1) {
fCurSize = 0;
fArray = new DynamoArrayType[fMaxSize];
else {
fMaxSize = size;
fCurSize = 0;
fArray = new DynamoArrayType[fMaxSize];
} // END constructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <class DynamoArrayType>
DynamoArray<DynamoArrayType>::~DynamoArray() {
if (fArray != NULL)
delete []fArray;
} // END destructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <class DynamoArrayType>
void DynamoArray<DynamoArrayType>::IncreaseSize() {
// Increase array length/size
// Now create newly-sized array
DynamoArrayType *temp = new DynamoArrayType[fMaxSize];
if (temp == NULL) {
// Insert c++ exception here.
// Copy items from old array into newly-created array
for (short i = 0; i < fCurSize; i++)
temp[i] = fArray[i];
// Delete original copy.
delete fArray;
fArray = temp;
} // END IncreaseSize
// Copy *Constructor*. Remember, this is a constructor
// so the fields of the array are invalid when we begin
template <class DynamoArrayType>
DynamoArray<DynamoArrayType>::DynamoArray(DynamoArray& sourceArray) {
if (&sourceArray == this) return; // Don't copy with references to self
fCurSize = sourceArray.fCurSize;
fMaxSize = 0;
while (fMaxSize < fCurSize)
fMaxSize += STD_DYNAMO_LEN; // Increase it in chunks of STD_DYNAMO_LEN
fArray = new DynamoArrayType[fMaxSize];
if (fArray == NULL) {
// Insert c++ exception here
for (short i = 0; i < fCurSize; i++)
fArray[i] = sourceArray.fArray[i];
} // END Copy constructor
#pragma mark === Operators ===
// Assignment operator (overloaded)
template <class DynamoArrayType>
DynamoArray DynamoArray<DynamoArrayType>::operator=(const DynamoArray& sourceArray) {
if (&sourceArray == this) return(*this); // Don't assign with references to self
// Make a copy, so trash whatever we have currently. Unfortunately
// we can't make a call to the destructor, so we have to do this manually...
delete []fArray;
// Now make a new array
fArray = new DynamoArrayType[fMaxSize = sourceArray.fMaxSize];
if (fArray == NULL) {
// Insert c++ exception here
fCurSize = sourceArray.fCurSize;
// Do the actual copy...
for (short i = 0; i < fCurSize; i++)
fArray[i] = sourceArray.fArray[i];
return(*this); // return a copy of this object
} // END Assignment operator
template <class DynamoArrayType>
DynamoArrayType *DynamoArray<DynamoArrayType>::operator[] (short index) {
if ((index < 0) || (index >= fCurSize))
return NULL;
return &fArray[index];
} // END operator[]
#pragma mark === Member Funcs ===
template <class DynamoArrayType>
void DynamoArray<DynamoArrayType>::Preallocate(short size) {
/* This makes the array the specified size; note that
the old array is destroyed - it's contents are lost.
So make sure you call this first before adding any
data to the array.
delete []fArray;
// Make it a little bigger, just in case
fMaxSize = size + STD_DYNAMO_LEN;
fArray = new DynamoArrayType[fMaxSize];
if (fArray == NULL) {
// Oops. Insert c++ exception here.
fCurSize = 0;
} // END Preallocate
template <class DynamoArrayType>
short DynamoArray<DynamoArrayType>::Get(DynamoArrayType& theItem, short index) {
if ((index < 0) || (index >= fCurSize) || (fArray == NULL))
// Check for correct boundaries...
else {
theItem = fArray[index];
} // END GetItem
template <class DynamoArrayType>
short DynamoArray<DynamoArrayType>::RandomGet(DynamoArrayType& theItem) {
if (fCurSize > 0) {
// Get a random value.
short randomVal = GetRandom(0, fCurSize - 1);
// Now retrieve the item.
short returnVal = Get(theItem, randomVal);
// Did something go wrong? If no...
if (returnVal >= 0)
// Ooops, something went wrong; return error value.
// Oops, array empty.
} // END RandomGet
template <class DynamoArrayType>
short DynamoArray<DynamoArrayType>::Append(const DynamoArrayType& theItem) {
if (fArray == NULL) {
// If array empty, create new one.
fCurSize = 1;
fArray = new DynamoArrayType[fMaxSize];
else {
if (fCurSize == fMaxSize)
// Ooh, we reached the maximum size. Time to enlarge
// the array.
// We're going to add an item, so increment fCurSize
// Put item into the array.
fArray[fCurSize - 1] = theItem;
// Return index value of item we appended into array.
return(fCurSize - 1);
} // END Append
template <class DynamoArrayType>
short DynamoArray<DynamoArrayType>::Insert(const DynamoArrayType& theItem, short index) {
if ((index < 0) || (index > fCurSize) || (fArray == NULL))
if (fCurSize + 1 == fMaxSize)
// Reached maximum size, so enlarge the array.
// OK, make room for our new item! Shift everything down from
// location on to the end of the array.
for (short i = fCurSize - 1; i >= index; i--)
fArray[i + 1] = fArray[i];
// Add our new item.
fArray[index] = theItem;
// We're adding an item, so increment the number of items in array.
return(index); // Everything OK, so return index value.
} // END Insert
template <class DynamoArrayType>
short DynamoArray<DynamoArrayType>::Delete(short index) {
if ((index < 0) || (index >= fCurSize) || (fArray == NULL))
// Shift array backwards (down to 0), so we don't lose anything.
// If user specified last item is the item to be deleted, this loop
// won't execute. We just decrement fCurSize instead.
for (short i = index + 1; i < fCurSize; i++)
fArray[i - 1] = fArray[i];
} // END Delete
template <class DynamoArrayType>
short DynamoArray<DynamoArrayType>::SearchDelete(DynamoArrayType& theItem, short startIndex) {
short val = kDynamoArrayOutOfBoundsErr; // Assume did not find item
// Search for the item by value, not by index.
val = Search(theItem, startIndex);
if (val >= 0)
Delete(val); // We found it, so delete!
return val;
} // END SearchDelete
template <class DynamoArrayType>
short DynamoArray<DynamoArrayType>::Remove(DynamoArrayType& theItem, short index) {
if ((index < 0) || (index >= fCurSize) || (fArray == NULL))
else {
// In previous versions, Remove() just returned the address of the item
// that was "deleted". Problem was, the address was no longer pointing
// to the item that was deleted, but pointed to the item replacing
// the deleted item!!
if (Get(theItem, index) != kDynamoArrayOutOfBoundsErr) {
if (Delete(index) != kDynamoArrayOutOfBoundsErr) {
} // END Remove
template <class DynamoArrayType>
short DynamoArray<DynamoArrayType>::RandomRemove(DynamoArrayType& theItem) {
return Remove(theItem, GetRandom(0, fCurSize - 1));
} // END RandomRemove
template <class DynamoArrayType>
short DynamoArray<DynamoArrayType>::Search(const DynamoArrayType& source, short startIndex) {
// Assume we haven't found our baby...
short foundItem = kDynamoArrayOutOfBoundsErr;
if (startIndex >= fCurSize)
for (short i = startIndex; i < fCurSize; i++) {
if (fArray[i] == source) {
// Yeah, found it. Set return value and exit loop.
foundItem = i;
} // END Search
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The following routine was "lifted" from Tony Myles' SpriteWorld Package,
// in GameUtils.c
// Great code in SpriteWorld, by the way.
// By: Tony Myles
// Date: 9/19/90
// Copyright: © 1991-93 Tony Myles, All rights reserved worldwide.
// GetRandom
// generate a random number between min and max inclusive
template <class DynamoArrayType>
unsigned short DynamoArray<DynamoArrayType>::GetRandom(unsigned short min, unsigned short max)
unsigned short random;
long range, temp;
random = Random();
range = (max - min) + 1;
temp = (random * range) / 65536;
random = temp + min;
return random;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// END DynamoArray.c++